There is a certain "niche" of specifications that involve a time-tested solution through the commercial ready-mix concrete producers - moisture/vapor reducing admixtures (mvra). Warranted (through the manufacturer) against "bonding" issues AND moisture/vapor emissions issues. A documented answer to solving the ever so fragile flooring, roofing, and coatings installation question. Our goal ~ to maintain the predetermined critical paths laid out for and around flooring, roofing and coatings installations. Period. Purchased and installed through your concrete package.
Time, and tens of thousands of cubic yards of concrete has shown that Secondary Cement Hydration can, and is the best vehicle to get us there. Secondary Cement?? Hydration?? A fancy way of saying "extra" or "amplified" cement hydration product....or more appropriately, more calcium-silicate-hydrate (c-s-h) gel. A severely disrupted capillary system will achieve perfect, on-time installation of any material adhered to the surface of your concrete.
Here in Southern California I have every kind of flooring imaginable adhered down to mvra enhanced concrete; in perfect service to date. In most specifications, you have a choice. And I've worked and have experience with each and every option. ISE Logik's MVRA 900 is the best. I sell EVERY commercial ready-mix producer in the state; know them all well. I keep plenty in stock and service all my jobs at an un-matched tempo here in the Western United States.

*This system completely eliminates any and all moisture testing normally required through ASTM F710 - Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. The Manufacturer's Warranty becomes the 'most stringent' guideline.
**This system, along with an installed Class A vapor retarder can be budgeted at sub-$1 a square foot, installed.